Why I like the Thoth Tarot

Golden Dawn Reading - Thoth Tarot

My favorite deck is a modified and personalised Thoth Tarot Deck. If you don’t ask me for a specific one, i will use this one.

The Thoth tarot deck is a popular deck among tarot enthusiasts. Many people love it for its colorful and detailed illustrations. The famous occultist Aleister Crowley and artist Lady Frieda Harris designed it in England during the 2nd world war. Many people find the deck’s complex imagery and symbology to be particularly rich and evocative. I use it as a tool for personal insight and spiritual exploration.

The deck is based on the principles of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and incorporates many complex symbols and concepts from a variety of esoteric traditions. Additionally, the deck’s complex symbolism and rich meanings make it a popular choice for advanced tarot readers and those who are looking to deepen their understanding of the tarot.

In a reading, the Thoth is very precise. The richness of its correspondences helps me gain a lot of insight in your questions or problems, whether easy to deal with, or of a more complex nature. Be warned that you will get brutally honest advice on how to deal with your queries.

We can use the deck for a variety of purposes, including meditation, divination, and self-discovery. Whether you choose to use the Thoth tarot is a personal decision that ultimately depends on your own beliefs, preferences, and goals.

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