Tarot for business

tarot for business

Using Tarot for business consulting is getting more attention. Jan Tetteroo is a retired entrepreneur with business experience in trade, online and gastronomy. With his combination of tarot- and business experience he can most likely assist you with your business planning and direction.

Why Tarot for business?

People have used tarot decks for centuries as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. We believe that the cards contain ancient wisdom and can provide insight into the present and future. Many people use tarot as a way to explore their inner selves, understand their patterns of behavior, and find answers to their questions.

In recent years, we have also used tarot as a tool for business consultancy. Business consultancy with tarot involves using the cards to provide insight and guidance to entrepreneurs and business owners as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the business world.

A tarot business consultant can help clients explore their goals, so managers identify any potential challenges or roadblocks, and create a plan for success. The cards can provide insight into the present and future, helping clients make informed decisions about their business.

Tarot business consultancy can be particularly helpful for small business owners or entrepreneurs who may be struggling to get their business off the ground. It can provide a fresh perspective and new ideas, and help identify any patterns of behavior that may be holding the business back.

Is tarot suitable for new businesses only?

We do this often for established businesses looking to make changes or pivot in a new direction. That’s why tarot cards can provide guidance and insight on how to navigate these changes and thus make the most of the new opportunities.

Overall, consultancy with tarot can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to gain clarity and direction in their business. So it can provide valuable insight and guidance, and help identify and overcome any challenges or roadblocks that are holding the business back. If you are a business owner looking for support and guidance on your business journey, tarot business consultancy may be a great option to consider. So, it is always better to take the help of tarot cards for better guidance and success in business.

Contact us to inform yourself about what we can do for your business:

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